Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Change is hard....

In this video, New York City Transportation Commisssioner Janet Sadik-Khan offers some important pointers that we need to consider in Los Alamos if we are ever to get off our collective okole and move transportation into the 21st Century and beyond shuttling traditional cars on and off the Hill.

From the web site above:

Want to change the game on transportation in your city? Here’s Sadik-Khan’s workplan for you:
  1. It starts with strong leadership from the top with a long term vision of the city.
  2. Then you need a policy framework to make it reality. “The public needs to know why you’re doing what you’re doing. What’s the plan?!”
  3. You need a team of great people, and the institutional capability to deliver.
  4. Move fast, don’t get bogged down in endless debates, and don’t be afraid to experiment. The results will speak for themselves. (I’m reminded of Jaime Lerner’s dictum: “If you want to make it happen, do it fast.”)
Point 4 seems relevant in Los Alamos. From what I have seen, we can talk anything to death here.

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